South Orlando Babe Ruth



T-Ball, Rookies, Minors + SOFTBALL (Quad)

3437 Barnstable Pl, Orlando, FL 32827

Majors, Juniors + Seniors (deuce)

8432 Daetwyler Dr, Orlando, FL 32827

Practice Overflow (Canal)

Approx. 8292 Daetwyler Dr Orlando, FL 32827


Softball + baseball of all age groups

7945 Dowden Road, Orlando, FL 32827

SOBR Lightning Policy

All players, coaches and parents should be aware of inclement weather at all times.

Please use an app such as WeatherBug that will show how far away lightning strikes are occurring from your current location.

When lightning is indicated within a six mile radius of the field, everyone is required to go to their vehicle until 30 minutes have passed from the last strike within the radius.